4 June 2024

SINN UND FORM: The Rediscovered Archive
Readings and Talk

With Paul Bernewitz, Friedrich Dieckmann, Kerstin Hensel, Angela Krauß, and Elisa Primavera-Lévy and Matthias Weichelt (moderators)
Readings by Ulrich Matthes
Welcome: Manos Tsangaris, president of the Akademie der Künste
Tuesday, 11 June 2024, Pariser Platz

To commemorate the 75th anniversary of SINN UND FORM ‒ a literary journal published by the Akademie der Künste ‒ older issues that were out of print (1949–91) will be made digitally accessible from now on. For readers and researchers, this will create a one-of-a-kind literary and cultural history archive with first editions and translations of influential national and international authors, including letter correspondences, diaries, conversations, essays, narratives and poems.

Amongst the more than 4000 contributions are texts by prominent authors, including Ernst Bloch, Johannes Bobrowski, Bertolt Brecht, Volker Braun, Alfred Döblin, Elke Erb, Lion Feuchtwanger, Franz Fühmann, Peter Hacks, Peter Huchel, Hans Henny Jahnn, Gertrud Kolmar, Günter Kunert, Georg Lukács, Heinrich Mann, Thomas Mann, Hans Mayer, Heiner Müller, Ulrich Plenzdorf, Anna Seghers, Peter Weiss, Christa Wolf. At the 11 June event, outstanding rediscoveries and literary treats will be presented in readings and a discussion.

is regarded as the most important German-language literary journal. It is one of the few publications founded in the GDR that still exist today. The publication of this traditional journal is an essential component of the Akademie der Künste’s mission to promote art and culture in Germany. Complete issues or individual contributions from an issue can be acquired in digital form. The archive, unique to the literary and cultural history of the GDR, is accessible via a digital subscription. More information is available here.

Event Information
SINN UND FORM: The Rediscovered Archive
Readings and Talk
Akademie der Künste, Pariser Platz 4, 10117 Berlin
Tuesday, 11 June 2024, 7 pm
Admission: € 7,50/5
Tickets: tickets@adk.de, Tel. +49 (0)30 20057 1000

Press tickets: presse@adk.de, Tel. +49 (0)30 20057 1514