The Murmur of the Cosmos. Sandra Vásquez de la Horra. Käthe Kollwitz Prize 2023, Exhibition view, Photo: Akademie der Künste
19 Jun – 25 Aug


Hall 1

The Murmur of the Cosmos.
Sandra Vásquez de la Horra
Käthe Kollwitz Prize 2023

Tue – Fri 2 – 7 pm
Sat & Sun 11 am – 7 pm

€ 6/4
Free admission under 18 years, Tuesdays and every first Sunday of the month


Award ceremony and exhibition opening
Tue 18 Jun 7 pm
With Sandra Vásquez de la Horra et al.

Guided Tours
Tue 5 pm (except Jul 2)
€ 5 plus exhibition ticket

Tickets for Guided Tours

Exhibition Tour with Sandra Vásquez de la Horra
Fr 21 Jun 5 pm
Unfortunately, the exhibition tour was cancelled.

Curator's Tour with Anke Hervol
Tue 9 Jul 5 pm
Sun 25 Aug 12 pm

Tour for blind and visually impaired visitors (together with ABSV)
Fri 21 Jun 5 pm
Free admission

Tour for deaf visitors with translation into German sign language
Tue 9 Jul 5 pm
Free admission

© Michel Jimenez / Estudio Fortuna
Friday, 19 Jul

7 pm


Hall 3

Valeska Gert Guest Professorship Amanda Piña: To Bloom () Florecimiento

Valeska Gert Guest Professorship: Closing presentation with students of the MA programme Dance Studies at Freie Universität Berlin

Cooperation with Freie Universität Berlin and Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)

In English

Free admission

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