Franz Kafka – The Second Century Kafka Kaleidoscope: Lectures, Readings, Talks, Film

Lectures, Readings, Talks, Film

3 June 2024 marks the centenary of Franz Kafka’s death and is obviously just the start of another century of appreciation of his work. Over two evenings, on 3 and 4 June, each from 7 pm, the Akademie der Künste will once again attempt to get to the bottom of what makes the poet so fascinating.

As internationally renowned Kafka experts, Kafka biographer Reiner Stach and Kafka editor Hans-Gerd Koch will give key lectures. Ulrike Draesner, Aris Fioretos, Katja Lange-Müller, Thomas Lehr, Kathrin Röggla, Kathrin Schmidt and Cécile Wajsbrot will present their views on “their Kafka” in individual contributions.

As part of the supporting programme, Linus Hüsam will declaim texts by Kafka. On the bridge and in the sculpture garden, KUNSTWELTEN will present the results of workshops during which 10th grade pupils of the Canisius Kolleg wrote a short story in the style of Kafka's The Metamorphosis under the direction of Thomas Lehr or interpreted it in drawings with Felix Baxmann. The filmed theatre production by Willi Schmidt with Klaus Kammer Ein Bericht für eine Akademie (1962) can be rediscovered in the Blackbox on both days from 6 pm. A showcase exhibition in the Akademie library will show how Kafka inspired other artists.

Leading up to the evening programme, a panel discussion on “Kafka, Brecht and the Art of the Parable” will take place on 3 June at 4 pm, at Literaturforum im Brecht-Haus.

Programme on 3 June

7 pm Opening

Welcome: Kerstin Hensel
Introduction: Thomas Lehr
Declamation of a Kafka text: Linus Hüsam

7:30 pm Lecture and expert talk

Rainer Stach: Der Prozess vom Process

Break in the sculpture garden

8:30 pm Contemporary artistic positions on Kafka

Ulrike Draesner: Variation über die Verwandlung
Kathrin Röggla: Die Justiz bei Kafka
Aris Fioretos: Die Zerfleischung
Cécile Wajsbrot: Vor dem Gesetz

Moderation: Maike Albath

9:30 pm Concluding discussion round with all participants

The event on 3 June is sold out.


Programme on 4 June

7 pm Welcome and Introduction

With Thomas Lehr and Nathalie Mälzer
Declamation of a Kafka text: Linus Hüsam

7:30 pm Lecture and expert talk

Hans-Gerd Koch: Kafka in Berlin

Break in the sculpture garden

8:30 pm Contemporary artistic positions on Kafka

Talk with pupils, Thomas Lehr and Felix Baxmann
Katja Lange-Müller: Küchenschabe vs Käfer
Kathrin Schmidt: Kafkas Entschlüsse
Thomas Lehr: Das kinesische Zimmer

Moderation: Meike Feßmann

9:30 pm Concluding discussion round with all participants

Buy ticket for 4 June

3 — 4 Jun 2024

Pariser Platz

Plenary Hall

Each from 7 pm

With Ulrike Draesner, Aris Fioretos, Hans-Gerd Koch, Katja Lange-Müller, Thomas Lehr, Kathrin Röggla, Kathrin Schmidt, Reiner Stach, Cécile Wajsbrot

Welcome: Kerstin Hensel, Thomas Lehr and Nathalie Mälzer
Kafka-Declamation: Linus Hüsam
Moderation: Maike Albath and Meike Feßmann

Each from 6 pm
Film in the Blackbox

In German

€ 7.50/5

The event on 3 June is sold out.

Buy ticket for 4 June