
Project development: Johannes Odenthal, Judith Weber

Curatorial concept: Wolfgang Kaleck and Karina Theurer (European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, ECCHR), Nana Adusei-Poku, Nikita Dhawan

Project management: Judith Weber, Meike Avner

Cooperation with the Federal Agency for Civic Education/bpb: Thomas Krüger

Cooperation with the Goethe-Institut: Joachim Bernauer, Andrea Zell, Marie-Christine Gay

Press and public relations: Sabine Kolb, Mareike Wenzlau, Marianne König, Rosa Gosch (website)

Graphics: Heimann + Schwantes

Translations: Sprachwerkstatt Berlin, Gaby Gehlen

Library: Susanne Thier, Susanne Nagel